CAMO ~ Tiny Sheepadoodle ~ Mae & Max 2024

Camo is around 20 lbs now. She is super playful, and loves to cuddle and to invade our personal space. She loves to be the center of attention, and interrupts people’s hugs by sneaking in between them.
She is extremely smart, pretty good with kids, and is quite calm in general. She has never shown any signs of anxiety, and is friendly towards everyone. She gets along with cats and dogs.
She is also very acrobatic at times, making up parkours wherever, and playing with two balls at once (one in her mouth and playing hand soccer with the other). We will be starting obedience classes in two weeks, mainly because it is a prerequisite to register for agility classes.
Stéfanie B ~ Feb 2025


GEZELLIG ~ F1 Standard Sheepadoodle ~ Meika & Benji 2024

Hi Delicia,
I just thought you might like an update on how our little guy Gezellig is doing. I can’t believe that it’s only been three months that we’ve had him. He’s growing like a weed, and many of our neighbours think he is fully grown already!
He is definitely very popular and very friendly. I can hardly hold him back from jumping up on his favourite people. He’s nearly done teething, a few more weeks and I think we’re through the worst of it, and he’s made a lot of friends. The dog park near us is his favourite place. He is taking to his training very well.
I have started some of his service dog training. He is focusing on learning to walk nicely, taking public buses, and how to relax in an office environment. He won’t be learning specific tasks for a long while yet.
We are in love with this smart, funny, and very fluffy guy.
Michelle P ~ Feb 2025


COSMO ~ Tiny F1b Sheepadoodle

Hi Delicia,
On Cosmo’s 4th birthday I thought I would finally write you and give you an update on our life with Cosmo. It’s hard to put into words how much he has changed our lives, all for the better. He is the perfect dog for my husband and I. He is so smart, kind, loving and full of joy. He adapts to every environment that we bring him into and is simply happy as long as he is with us, which is exactly where we want him at all times. We are so glad we waited for our little Cosmo as he is our perfect fit.
Thank you so much for your kindness and patience with us during our long road to Cosmo, he has been the greatest gift we could ever receive. With Cosmo, our days are full of joy.
I hope you and your loved ones are well!
Best wishes from Newfoundland!
Tracy, Dean & Cosmo ~ Summer 2024


REMY ~ Mini Olde English Goldlendoodle (Sheepadoodle/Goldendoodle)

Hi Delicia,
Here are some pictures of Remy. She is such a happy puppy and constantly has compliments of how pretty she is and how well behaved she is. She loves people and all pets.
She’s very strong and loves to play catch with her toys. Always gives her paw and sits pretty for a treat. Very smart!
We love her so much ❤️
Pam C ~ Nova Scotia ~ Fall 2024
Litter of Hailey & Jasper April 30/24


LOKI ~ F1 Standard Sheepadoodle

Hi Delicia,
It’s been a long time since I’ve updated you about Loki. So here you are: he’s 6 years old now and just keeps getting better and better. We’ve had dogs all our lives and I can honestly say he’s the smartest dog we’ve ever had. It’s gotten to the point where he understands everything we say to him, he can even understand what we’re spelling, something we do in an attempt to not get him wound up, whether it’s for treats or a car ride. He’s amazing. He’s such a sweet, lovable dog. He’s slowed down some, doesn’t last as long at the dog park, but still has enough energy to have a great time.
We hope all is good with you and yours and are still breeding these wonderful dogs. Alll the best for a great holiday season. Take care.
Best Regards, Mark, Linda and Loki ~ Nov 2024 Update


IZZY ~ F1 Mini Sheepadoodle

Hi Delicia,
I just wanted to let you know that sweet sweet Izzy is doing well and is the love of our lives.
Everyone in the neighbourhood wants to take her home!
Happy Thanksgiving.
Anna & Rob ~ Fall 2024~
One of our retired Sheepadoodle moms


Oreo ~ F1b Reverse Moyen Sheepadoodle ~ Chloe & Gryffin Fall 2022


I wanted to send some photos of Mr Oreo now that it’s been awhile since we picked him up Dec 2022!

We now have a kitten and the two of them are best of friends. Our daughter name her kitten (female) Cookie so you can imagine the jokes we make. 🙂

Oreo is a good well-mannered gentle guy! We just love him! We still have a Trainer to keep Oreo’s mind stimulated. He is very smart!!

Jill K ~ Summer 2024


Finn & Blu ~ Mini Sheepadoodles 

I just thought I would send you an update on Finn (Sadie & Einstein 2020) and Blu (Hailey & Jasper 2023). They are living their best life. They are best buddies. They are so cute together. They are attached at the hip. Even when I am out they sit in the same chair and wait for me to come home staring out the window.

Rose V ~ Summer 2024


Wrigley & Marley ~ Darla & Tobi’s F1b Sheepadoodles

I just wanted to share a photo of the 2 sisters, Wrigley and Marley. (Darla & Tobi’s litter Nov 2022)
Wrigley is our dog and Marley is my son Evan’s dog.
They get together quite often and have a great time playing.
Do you think that they still know that they are sisters?
Wrigley and Marley are about 19″ tall.
Wrigley weighs 31lbs, while Marley hovers around 38lbs.
Wrigley seems to have taken similarities to her dad, Tobi. While Marley I believe is more like Darla, their mother.
They are absolutely beautiful, intelligent, gentle, warm and friendly dogs.
We love them immensely.
Wanda M ~ Sent Summer 2024

Maui ~ Tiny Sheepadoodle from Mae & Teddy Spring 2023

Hi Delicia,

Just wanted to wish you Merry Christmas and tell you I am so grateful for Maui in my life.     She was from Charlie and Mae’s litter and was the only girl.
She has the best personality and is so full of sass.    She’s 7months this week, she’s about 12 in tall and weighs 18lbs.  She has brought more joy to my life.   I love her dearly and she has made so many friends with her cheerful personality.

She is such a joy and I am grateful I found ilovemysheepadoodle and Maui too.

Melissa S ~ Sent December 2023


Pippa ~ Tiny Sheepadoodle from Mae & Crosby Oct/22

Hi there,
Just thought I’d send you a little Christmas pic of Pippa.  She came home just over a year ago (Dec. 10) and is doing well – a ball of energy and full of mischief!
She’s about 16-17” high to the top of her back and about 20” to the top of her head (but she was wiggly so was hard to measure accurately!). She around 20-21lbs now.
She has our hearts!  ~ The Clarkson Family ~ Dec 2023


Nala ~ Mini Sheepadoodle from Piper & Ollie March 20/23

Hi Deliciia,
I wanted to write to you to update you on Posy – who is now Nala. She’s the first pick female from Piper and Ollie’s litter living in Collingwood with us.
I have to say she is one of the best puppies. She’s definitely been the easiest to train. She is so smart. She never once had a poo accident in the house when we got her – she still hasn’t. I think she maybe peed 4-5 times. She never was ever a fan of her crate however… that just never worked. But she was sleeping through the night and on our bed by 11 weeks. She’s just such a good girl. Everyone who meets her adores her. She travels well and absolutely loves other people but most especially other dogs.
Nala is 20 pounds right now at 5.5 months. I’ve attached some recent pics of her. Thanks a bunch and hope you’re well.
Katelyn ~ Sent Sept 2023


Penny ~ Mini Goldendoodle/Sheepadoodle from Lola & Murphy Feb 2023

Hi Delicia,

Ira and I wanted to give you a little update on Penny (Lola and Murphy – Feb 13 2023). She  just is 25lbs and all legs!

Penny is a little bundle of energy! Sweet, silly, playful but cautious and is the most dramatic dog I have every met. Her favourite things are her fur siblings Abby (cat), Lily (dog), playing with everyone she meets, stealing socks, chewing sticks and destroying unbreakable toys. Her dislikes are loud noises and being left out of the party.

Hope you and the family are doing well!

Christina, Ira and Penny  ~ Sept 2023


Daisy ~ Formally Snowbell from Piper & Ollie March 20/23

Daisy at 16 wks and 15 lbs

Happy Wednesday!  I thought I’d send a quick update. We changed her name to Daisy. She is growing every day. She’s 15.3 lbs at 16 weeks so I’m guessing she will be bigger than 30 lbs when she’s done growing.

She loves everyone, for her there is no such thing as a stranger -only friends she hasn’t met yet! She has her basic obedience down. We’re working on the manners, but she is getting the hang of the house rules. The biting has stopped, but she is still mouthing some, so we still have a ways to go, but definitely on the right track.
Thanks for such a wonderful and happy puppy! She has been a wonderful addition to our family!
Regards, Becky Bussineau ~ July 2023


Chloe ~ F1b Sheepadoodle from Darla & Tobi Fall 2022

Chloe at 6 months at 22 lbs

Hi Delicia,

I wanted to give you an update on our little Chloe.  She is the most wonderful dog.  She is silly, affectionate and gives the best cuddles around!  She loves to go for walks, play with her toys and watch over the whole family.  Her best friend is our 6 year old daughter Kennedy.  Chloe cries whenever she leaves the house and so excited to see her return home.

The whole neighborhood knows her.  As we live on a park we often hear people yell “we love Chloe”.

We couldn’t have picked a better puppy to join our family.

Lori & Family ~ Guelph, ON ~ June 2023



Mulligan ~ F1 Moyen Sheepadoodle from Bella & Calvin June 2023


Just wanted to give you an update on Mulligan.   He is doing great!!   He has slept very well in his crate from day one with no barking or whining.  He is enjoying our backyard with lots of space to run around. He has learned to sit, lay down and shake a paw.  We are working with him to go on walks with a loose lead and everyone we pass comments on what a cute dog he is.  He is very obedient and doesn’t bark at people or cars.   We wanted to let you know that he is well loved and cared for.  Our family is very grateful for him and believe that God had him picked out for us even 3 months before we were even looking for a dog.

Thank you for Mulligan!!

Craig ~ Sent Sept 2023



Mokey ~ F1 Moyen Sheepadoodle from Bella & Calvin Oct 2022

Hi Delicia,
Our girl, who we named Mokey, is just a gem of a pup!
What I can say about Mokey is nothing but positive! She is so sweet and cuddly, wanting nothing more than to be at our sides or on our laps. She is gentle and playful, loves the kids and is super patient. I’ve often thought that she would make an amazing therapy dog as she is very responsive to big feelings and gives comfort. Just adorable! Mokey is a dream to train. She had only a few accidents in the house in the first couple of weeks we had her and then nothing since. She knows her basic commands and walks beautifully on the leash.
She loves to run and has a great deal of energy. A couple walks a day and lots of running and chasing in our yard keeps her good and stimulated and then she is content to just hang out with us at home. She loves car rides and comes with us most places as she definitely prefers to be part of the crew than left on her own.
Her need for affection and rubs has not diminished as she has gotten older. She will take them whenever and from whomever will give them! Mokey has been a wonderful addition to our family.
I have attached a couple of photos – some when she had her full coat and some with her summer ‘do!
Take care,
June 2023


Rosco ~ F1 Moyen Sheepadoodle from Bella & Calvin Oct 2022

Hi Delicia,

Rosco is doing really well! He’s a great dog. He loves our family and always wants to be part of any activities. He always needs to be around us. He loves to go to the dog park and to run free. He loves balls but his favourite ones are the soccer balls.

We are still working on a couple commands with him but he’s a good learner. He’s much better on the leash. Least favorite thing: being brush for knots but we’re working on it. Lol

He’s a very good addition. He likes to be around us all the time. He’s very friendly with everybody especially meeting women on walks, they all think he’s so cute lol. So when you recall him he comes right away at all time even at the dog park where he can run free.
He was neutered mid-May. He weighs about 37 pounds right now at 8 months.
Here is a couple pics of our sweet boy!~
The Bernard’s ~ June 2023


Cleo ~ F1 Moyen Sheepadoodle from Suzie & Calvin December 2021

Cleo – F1 Moyen Sheepadoodle ~ 37 lbs (smaller one in the litter)

We picked up Cleo late January 2022. She was born on December 5, 2021.

Cleo is so special.  She is intelligent, gentle, playful, silly and knows how to have fun.  She is very comfortable with humans and other dogs.  She an be goofy and we love her for all of her, even if she takes up a lot of space in our queen bed haha.

She is perfect and she is the Love of our lives and we recognize that a large part of why she’s so well behaved is due to your early care.

Thank you! Here are some pictures of Cheo, otherwise known as Female 4, lol ~

Vanessa C ~ Montreal ~ June 2023


Lamie, Luna & Loki ~ Tiny Designer Sheepadoodle sisters from Abby & Teddy ~ March 2023

First Marie-Andree came from Montreal to pick up her puppy her and her husband had planned to get in advance. Marie-Andree was accompanied by her niece and sister.  When they saw how sweet and cute the siblings were, they each ended up getting a pup.  Her niece took one home that day and then her sister got her pup a few weeks later flown out to her with West Jet.  So now these three sisters live in the Montreal area.  Here’s a recent photo we got of the three sisters at a playdate together.
“Hello Delicia, I wanted to share with you a picture of the 3 sisters that we adopted.
Lamie, Luna and Loki.
Have a good day 🙂 “
Sarah P ~ Montreal, QB ~ June 2023



Theo ~ Tiny F1b Sheepadoodle from Phoebe x Oakley Fall 2017

Hi Delicia, I just wanted to send you some pictures of Theo! He is the light of my life. I take him everywhere. He is a recent puppy school graduate and an all the time good boy. Such a great personality! He loves running on the beach, playing fetch, and cuddling. Thanks for helping me find the sweetest pup!  Courtney ~ Summer 2018 ~   Theo is on Instagram!

Betty & Sam – F1 Moyen Sheepadoodle sisters ~ Lily x Calvin May 2022

Hi Delicia,

Just wanted to send you a couple of recent pictures of Betty and Sam.

They are amazing!

I’m actually a bit jealous as my husband is madly in love with them.



Krypto ~ Standard F1 Sheepadoodle ~ Sasha & King 2020 

Hi Delicia, 

I thought you would be interested in seeing this about our dog Krypto. He was in Sasha & King’s 2020 litter. He has been inducted into the Animal hall of fame for saving our house and family from a fire. He was only about 7 months at the time. You can read his story at the link here:

I thought you would like seeing that one of your puppies is a true hero! We are thankful for him every day. Not only did he save our family, but he is also the most playful, sweet, goofy, loving dog we could ask for!!
🙂 Jackie


Frankie ~ F1b Moyen Sheepadoodle ~ Missy x Wrigley Summer 2018 – Update from Sept 2022

Hi Delicia

Just wanted to say hi and see how you are doing.

Frankie turned 4 on the weekend and we had a little party for him.

We fall more and more in love  with him every year and his gentle, playful and loving nature and snuggles and kisses endear him to everyone he meets !!

He is just the sweetest boy ever and we are so grateful to you for our precious guy ❤️

Enjoy the pics !

Sending love and hugs from us all,
Tracey Bruce and Frankie

Georgie ~ Moyen F2 Sheepadoodle ~ Indie x Wrigley July 2019

Hi Delicia,

Hope all is well with you, your family and all of the precious pups!

Just wanted to let you know that Georgia was spayed last month and made a super quick recovery!

Since she is spayed, our dog walker now takes her on group walks and she has made so many friends and plays so nicely with them. She is such a good girl!

I just picked her up from her first grooming appointment and she looks so gorgeous. Before this, we always just gave her a bath or a rinse when needed and were waiting for her to fully heal from her spay for her first grooming. They did such a great job! She is currently 44 lbs!

Here are some pictures of our sweet girl!  

Follow Georgie at Adventures Of Curious George on Instagram!

  • February 2020


Molly ~ Moyen F2 Sheepadoodle ~ Indie x Wrigley July 2019


Hi Delicia,
Hope you’re doing well! Just wanted to let you know that we are SO happy with Molly (Wrigley x Indie July 2019).
She is the absolute best puppy! We keep saying we won the puppy lottery. She’s so sweet and smart, everyone we meet falls in love with her!
We can’t imagine our lives without her!!
Thanks again!
Grace + Eric

alt=puppy loveMortimer ~ Moyen F1b Sheepadoodle ~ Missy x Wrigley Spring 2019 litter

Hi Delicia,

Hope you and your family are keeping safe and healthy in the midst of all the craziness going on.

I wanted to send you some updates on Mortimer aka Morty (from Missy x Wrigley’s Spring 2019 litter) and thank you!

He’s a happy fun-loving goof ball who loves all dogs, people, and children. He thrives at our neighbourhood dog park and wants to be friends with everyone he meets there. We’re always amazed at how well he plays with every type of dog there and we get SO excited when we see some of your other sheepadoodles downtown.

Morty has enhanced our lives in every way and we have you to thank for breeding such a happy, smart, and loving boy.

P.S. He constantly looks like he’s smiling and his tongue is ALWAYS hanging out (it’s our favourite)

Thanks again Delicia!

Brittany and David  – March 2020

Arthur ~ Standard F1 Sheepadoodle ~ Suzie x Marlin July 2019

Arthur is such an easy puppy! He’s calm, happy and almost too smart for his own good. He’s a super fast learner, and he’s always so pleased with himself when he learns a new trick.

Arthur was the final addition to make our little family whole, and we can’t wait to watch our two pups grow up together.

Thanks for giving us such a good boy!

Vince ~ Moyen F1b Sheepadoodle ~ Jewels x Wrigley December 2018

Hi Delicia,

We love Vince (Jewels and Wrigley) soooo much. He’s so calm and gentle, smart, and learns  so quickly! We’ve had so many compliments on how well behaved he is.

He learned the bells to go outside quickly and had learned sit, down, paw, speak etc. Everyday is better on the leash and he loves to run when off-leash.

His doggie trainer loves him and says it makes everyone at Wizard of Paws want a doodle. We think that’s a huge compliment as she (and her dog Rev) were recently finalists on the show World’s Most Amazing dog.

He goes to doggy daycare some days and this past week he met Teddi (used to be “Peach” from Chloe and King). They were so cute together. Shaun the Sheep was on TV and the two Sheepadoodles were barking at the sheep.

Thank you for the awesome addition to our family!


 ~ Standard F1 Sheepadoodle ~ Chloe x King December 2018

Hi Delicia,

I just had to send a note and tell you how happy we are with Hanalei! She is such a wonderful addition to the family and has fit right in. As mentioned, my intent was to train her as my service dog. Within 3 short weeks, Hanalei has become the best companion a guy could wish for. She has the kindest disposition, is spot on attentive, and so easy to train. When I took her to an appointment at the hospital, she walked right at my side with no pressure on the leash and sat at my feet paying no attention to others in the waiting room. While in the exam room with a Nurse, the Nurse was amazed  and commented at how she sensed my tension and gave a little whine and a nudge with her nose. She is truly a natural service companion and I love her to bits. I highly endorse your puppies to anyone looking for a kind, gentle service dog.

God Bless


Wrigley ~ Moyen F1b Sheepadoodle ~ Missy x Wrigley Fall 2018

Sending wishes for a very Merry Christmas from our house to yours. Wrigley is our true gift this Christmas 💙. He is just the sweetest little pup (getting so big!).
He is so smart and eager to please, and settled into our family right away. I was surprised at how quickly he house-trained, and he loved his crate from the start.
We love everything about this little guy, and can’t thank you enough!
All the best in 2019!


Juni ~ Tiny F1b Sheepadoodle from Phoebe x Oakley Summer 2018

Hi Delicia, 

I hope all is well with you and your family! I want to give you an update on how Juni is doing. I also want to thank you for giving us the most amazing dog! He completely changed my family’s dynamic. He is unbelievably smart and was super easy to train. Always soooo easy going. He loves people (especially children), and adores other dogs! He looks at children as potential playmates. He is always super gentile and has a lot of patience. However, he is truly in his element when he is playing with other pups! He is always ready to play, and has an endless amount of energy! Always curious! I don’t think he’ll ever grow out of the puppy phase. He loves being with his family and loved ones. He is also always happy to meet new people and is extremely affectionate with everyone he meets. Juni and I visit a nursing home on a weekly basis, and all of the patients look forward to their cuddles with him. Adopting Juni was the best decision we ever made! The process was seamless, and I could not be more grateful to you and your family for all the love you instilled in Juni.  💗

Wishing you good health during this chaotic time. 

Take care,

Sophie Shemie  (March 2020)


Jimmy ~ Moyen F1b Sheepadoodle ~ Piper x Wrigley Spring 2018

Hi Delicia,

Here is our sweet boy after his first trip to the Groomers.
Doing well with his training and a pure joy!
The Reid Family






Blue – Standard F1 Sheepadoodle from Sarah x Bruno Spring 2018

Hi there!  Blue is settling in wonderfully. My friend who had the best dog ever told me I won the puppy lottery with him. We walked to a Pet Valu tonight that is close to us and he kept going up to people to get rubs. He loves meeting people and animals. Haven’t really introduced him to many dogs up close yet but he does the puppy play bark to them all and has “leave it” down pat with the cats.

Passed the vet appointment today with flying colours and pleased to have him go to puppy daycare there because he is so cute. And he is so calm with any noises. Loves to race through my garden knocking down my flowers and play hide and seek. Just a great pup!

We did sign up for the vitamins and ordered the food as well so all is on track. He has had a few accidents but totally my fault not running him out after a nap or recognizing he was telling me he needed to go. He is getting me trained that way. At 9 weeks he is already out walking us!
Thanks again for the lovely addition to our family!

Padma ~ Moyen F1b Sheepadoodle from Missy x Wrigley Feb 2018

Hello Delicia and family,

Thought I would send a few pics and let you know how things have being going.

She was mostly angelic in Toronto which wasn’t easy as we were in several different places.
Julian looked after her on Sunday when I was at the memorial and he showed her off a lot and took her to a coffee shop where she was welcomed inside (?!) and much admired.
On Sunday night she was super wired and hard to settle although the night before she had slept quite well. Monday was such a beautiful day and I just sat in my friend’s backyard and a couple of friends visited but I tried to keep her quiet and calm.
She was so good on the flight. She didn’t make a peep and she fit fine in the carrier and under the seat so that was such a huge relief. 

She took to the house and garden right away, tearing around and exploring everything. She seems to be very happy here. Mostly I have her on leash and beside me all the time. She sleeps in her crate at night but during the day she doesn’t want to go in and she really isn’t fond of it. People have told me their dogs alway loved their crates but that has not been my experience. Anyway, she’s sleeping pretty well.

Also gaining weight quickly. I weighed her this morning and she was 14 pounds! And she’s getting very long. Grown a lot in one week. I can’t believe it’s been a week already.

Today I took her to a small park where I used to gather with neighbourhood friends and their dogs. They all came out to meet her and she was in heaven with so many dogs around. John McBean came with Bailey. She’s grown large and very solid. She is sweet and rambunctious. She has very beautiful markings. Lovely dog.

We think we have a real winner with this dog. Barry’s sister knows a lot about dogs – used to raise and run sled dogs and she is very impressed with her temperament and personality. I am so happy that I spent so much time and effort to find the right breeder and the right puppy.
Thank you for bringing her into our lives.

Annabel from BC


Zoey ~ Moyen F1b Sheepadoodle ~ Jewels x Wrigley Summer 2017

Happy New Year from us all!  I hope 2019 finds you happy and healthy.
Writing to give you an overdue update on our girl Zoey!  She’s over a year now and she’s weighing in at 29.5lbs!  She’s a light and lean girl, and fast as lightening.  She loves to sprint and out runs all the other dogs at the park with her long legs.  I’ve met poodles and I’ve met sheepdogs – she appears to be neither, a whole new breed!  Other Sheepadoodles do not interest her.  And we LOVE her size!  If anything, she looks more like an Aussiedoodle (Australian Shepard/Sheepdog x poodle).
She’s got a funny personality!  She’s usually quite serious with us!  She’s extremely friendly and kind to strangers and other dogs.  She IS a barker!  When at the park, if another dog is playing around and stands still, she goes nuts, barking her head off to try to get him/her to move. We’re trying our best to control her because sometimes she becomes obsessed and won’t snap out of it.
She’s nuts about rabbits and squirrels – NUTS!  And we have lots here.  Would love to see if she could chase one down in the wild – I bet she could!  But alas, we don’t trust her that much – she would run across 4 lanes of traffic in order to chase them.
We had to shave her in October because we couldn’t maintain her coat – is was matted at the roots.  So now her new hair is going and it’s a super cute length.  Getting the right cut is a conversation, trial and error, with our groomer.  I think we nailed it this time!
We would love to get her a brother but timing isn’t right for us just now.  One day, we hope to introduce another member – from you of course!  We’re so happy with how she turned out – it’s such a surprise, her petite-ness.  I think I do prefer the Sheepadoodle x poodle mix (F1 B I think?) in this moyen (petite moyen!) size…   She’s also very polite, by nature.  She drinks and eats so nicely. And she doesn’t crash around everywhere – she’s quite dainty!  
Fill us in on her brothers and sister!  We’re so curious to see how they look like!
Cheers to you!

ZOEY ~ 2018 updates: This sweet yet spunky little gal is our first brown and white Sheepadoodle. She lives in Alberta with her wonderful people family!


Benji ~ Moyen F1b Sheepadoodle ~ Jewels x Wrigley Summer 2017

Hi Delicia,
Hope all is well with you!
As little Benji is just about to hit 6 months
(Jewels x Wrigley moyen litter), we thought we would send an update on how he is doing! See some pics attached.
He is growing up fast – we had him weighed last weekend and he was 36lbs; although he is mainly fluff, as we expected him to be heavier! He’s such a happy little guy who loves meeting new people and dogs, and has such a sweet temperament. He has been amazing with crate training, and actually loves hanging out in there (see one of the pics).
He has been loving all the snow we have been having, and his new obsession is with balls – he could play fetch for hours! He is such a sweetheart, who makes us smile every day! Thanks for bringing him to us!
All the best,
Pip & Chris  – February 2018

Murry ~ Standard Sheepadoodle ~ Missy x Jake 2017

January 2018

Hi Delicia, Murry is now 6 months old and he is a happy and playful boy.  He is very sweet and he is pretty sure he is a lap dog.  He loves the snow and hiking and he is super playful with many toys both inside and out.  He crate trained like a dream!  I have attached some photos for you. 

From, The Butchart Family


Fergus ~ Standard Sheepadoodle ~ Missy x Jake 

We are so proud of you Fergus! You are going to make so many people happy that needed a smile for the day.

“Hi, Just to give you an update on Fergus (Misty and Jake’s born July 21/2016). He just became a PALS dog (Pet Access League Society). PALS dog’s are therapy dogs who do scheduled visits to Hospitals, Seniors Care Facilities, Schools, Airports, etc. I am so excited. I wanted to share the great news. He’s such a sweetheart.”

~ The Duguid Family ~


Finn ~ Standard Sheepadoodle ~ Sarah x Bruno

October 2017 ~ Hello Delicia and family! Just sending a quick update on Finn as he has now hit the 6 month mark!
We all are doing well, continuing with regular obedience classes and training and I must say, Finn is a pretty smart puppy! He loves going to class, as well as doggy daycare 1-2 times a week, and learns very quickly! He is a friendly big guy ( weighs 45 lbs presently!) and greets everyone on our walks around the neighbourhood! We have had so many comments on how well behaved and beautiful he is and we definitely agree!
As the weather becomes cooler, we look forward to Finns first winter and will definitely send you some ‘snow’ photos! Should be interesting and exciting!
Hope you all are well, it’s nice to stay connected through your Facebook and Instagram pages, so many beautiful pups you continue to have!
Take care and enjoy your fall season!
Douglas Family

Bailey ~ Standard Sheepadoodle Sarah x Bruno

December 2017 ~ Bailey at 8 and 6 months. A very happy and smart dog.

August 2017 ~ This is a terrific dog! Calm, fun, social, likes to swim and play.  Took to the crate and car travel very well.  She also likes being brushed…that helps.

Really happy and TONs of compliments.

We laugh that she was the 9th pick.  Too cute.

Growing fast.

Thanks,  The McBean Family


July 2017 ~ Bailey is doing great!  GROWING fast. Her markings are terrific. Quite happy and she turns a lot of heads.

The McBean Family

Francis Bean ~ Standard Sheepadoodle – Jewels x Jake

February 2018

Hi Delicia!
Francis Bean turned one on February 6th! She’s still 35 lbs, looks larger than she is because of the long coat, loves everyone and every dog she meets.  Even though we swore she’d never be allowed on the couch or our bed, she is on both- it’s hard to say no to that face!  Still no sign of her fur turning gray.
Thank you for giving us this gift!

October 2017

Hi Delicia,

Francis is now 8 months old and weighs 30 lb.  By the end of the summer, she was taking laps around our pool! She’s going thru a bit of a destructive phase when it comes to her toys right now! Nothing lasts very long. Can’t wait to see her in the snow! Happy Fall, Liana


September 2017

Hi Delicia, Francis hasn’t really gained weight this month (26 lb at 7 months). She started Doggie Daycare when we went back to school- loves playing with other dogs, great with kids… still chasing the cat and wow can she jump high! She’s even learning to catch a frisbee! Thank you for her! No sign of hair turning gray…. Liana


August 2017

Hi Delicia,

6 month old Francis Bean just got back from a week of camping, and a lot of swimming! She weighs 28 lb (probably smaller than her litter mates because she was “the runt”!)
She enjoys stealing baseball hats, digging holes, and jumping!
Thank you for our giant teddy bear!
Hope everyone is well, Liana



Hey there Delicia,

At 5 months (today!) Francis has settled down into a fun, protective, hilarious member of the family. She looks serious in these pictures, but she is not! She’s 23 lb now.
No more accidents in the house – she rings the bell to go outside, enjoys “walking herself” by holding the leash in her mouth, and still loves chasing the cat! Has always slept in a crate, but if my husband’s away… she sleeps on the bed!
Thanks again!


Abby ~ Mini Sheepadoodle Chloe x Domino

December 2016 ~ Abby is 24lbs right now. She is so good at night time routine. We go out at 9:45 for a pee and come back and she races to the kitchen and sits with one paw up and waits that way for me to get there to give her her vitamin. After she chews it up she goes into her crate all on her own without me calling her to or picking her up and putting her in it. such such a good girl! She can sit..give a paw..she stays and comes when we say the commands. We are working on “down” when she jumps up on people. That one is a little trickier. 🙂

January 2017 ~ Took her for a haircut this week. They cut 3″ off!  She is still so cute. We are very attached to her. Getting Abby has been so so good for R. A companion and more responsibility 🙂 Abby LOVES running to the front door when she hears R’s bus outside. So then we go out to meet R and Abby goes crazy!



Ellie ~ Standard Sheepadoodle Missy x Jake

Hi there!  How you do’in? Ellie here! 32 lbs now,  at 4 1/2 months.
She runs like the wind.. and loves cuddling!  She’s such a joy to the family!

6 Month update: January 2017
Ellie is 39 lbs, and as much a bundle of energy and joy as ever!  She goes to leash free parks almost daily, and runs so quickly, she sometimes trips over her own feet!  She is scheduled to be spayed tomorrow.



Sammi ~ December 2016 ~ Mini Sheepadoodle 6 months

Greetings from Sammi!

Six months old and 37 lbs

Sammi was one of the bigger Mini Sheepadoodles in his litter.

Coloring is Sable in a Tuxedo.




Olive ~ November 2016 ~ Mini Sheepadoodle 5 monthsaa

Hey Delicia,

Olive is almost 20 pounds now and is sweet as can be.

Thought you might like some pics of her!




Mabel ~ October 2016 ~ Standard Sheepadoodle

“Happy Thanksgiving!
Thought we’d send you a few photos. Mabel is settling in well. Sleeps through the night and doing well with her house training. She is so lovable and always wants to be with you or on your lap! (Unless she is tired then she find her own space). She is very energetic and attracts a lot of attention on our walks.
We are loving our new addition. She is just adorable.

November update ~ Mabel continues to do well. She is such a softy and is loving the cooler temps. On frosty mornings it hard to get her back indoors.
Here’s a couple of new pic! She still has a little pink on her nose. Hope it stays! ~ Charlie & Family



Jasper’s Testimony ~ January 2016

“We picked up little Jasper on 15th August just after he turned 8 weeks. We could tell right away which one he was as he was half the size of any other puppy in the litter! Delicia had told us that he was extremely sociable and loved to be around people and we could see why – as soon as we met him, he was so excited to say hello to us, it was as if he’d known us all his life!
Jasper took to his new home the minute we picked him up and has been nothing short of a wonderful member of our family. He just loves everyone! We think that a big part of the reason he is so sociable is the way that he was brought up inside Delicia’s home and with her children being so involved with playing with the pups from a very young age. Jasper is happiest when he is sitting in the car watching the world go by, playing with other dogs, being the centre of attention with people or chasing after his abundance of soft toys – he is so funny with his antics and we often find he has sneaked a pair of our slippers or socks into his bed without us noticing so he can secretly chew on them later!
Jasper is now 6 months old and weighs around 12lbs. He has a beautiful teddy bear like wavy apricot coat and looks even cuter than when we first got him if that’s even possible. We cannot take him anywhere without being mobbed by people wanting to say hello to him and tell us how adorable he is!
We couldn’t have asked for a better dog than Jasper, or a better family to get him from, and would highly recommend Cranbrook Family Dogs to anyone else looking for their next addition to the family!”
Jasper with ball…cute! Jasper running with ball








Sammy’s Testimony ~ May 2016

DSC_0385I got Sammy when he was 8 weeks old and from the moment that I got him, he has been such a wonderful little pup!  He has a warm and friendly temperament and is always happy. He loves playing with his toys and amazingly never chews on anything unless it’s something that I’ve given to him to play with.  He loves to play fetch – he is excellent at going to get his toy, but we are still learning to bring it back and actually drop it for more fetching!  But overall, he loves to learn and is a very very trainable puppy.  He was housebroken within a few days and we haven’t looked back since… even when we stay over at my family or friends’ houses, he always cries at the door to go outside.Sammy image6

Sammy loves to go for walks and is great off-leash at dog parks… he plays really well with other dogs and is really well socialized, neither aggressive nor passive, just nicely in the middle but he always comes to find me if the play with other pooches is getting too much for him and he needs a little break.  Sometimes it’s hard for us to get very far on our walks because people stop us at every corner to give him some scratches and tell me how cute he is.

Sammy image4When we are at home, he likes to nap in the sunshine and usually will come for a cuddle with me on the couch every evening.  He is now about 10 months old and weighs 20lbs.  He has a lovely soft cream and white parti coat and is essentially completely hypoallergenic.  He doesn’t shed at all!

Sammy image1(1)My experience with Delicia and Cranbrook Family Dogs was excellent.  They were always very helpful and accommodating and it was clear the pups were raised in a loving home.  Sammy really is such a wonderful and lovely dog, I can’t imagine my life without him.  I highly recommend Cranbrook Family Dogs!



Happy’s Testimony ~ January 2017

Female from Ginger x Flame

Hey Delicia!

Happy is 9 months now! My family and I would like to wish you a happy holidays!

Happy is everything that we’ve wanted and more!  ~ Fenny

Watch Happy and Fenny (owner) sing “If You’re Happy & You Know It” together on You Tube!


Clover’s Testimony ~ January 2017

Hi Delicia,

I can’t believe our little Clover turned 1 yesterday! It’s incredible how quickly time flew by! We thought this would be the perfect chance to send you an update on how she’s been doing.
She weighs in at about 18lb now and we are hoping she won’t get any bigger as she is the perfect size!! Her coat remained the apricot color she had as a puppy, which we absolutely love!
When we picked up Clover 10 months ago, she immediately stole our hearts and we knew she would be a very special pup. We enrolled her in 3 training classes so far (puppy class, foundation skills, and canine good neighbor prep class) and she was always the brightest dog there! She consistently learns new tricks in half the time any other dog does!
We can’t thank you enough for raising such a perfect pup. She is the most friendly, sociable, and happy go lucky dog I have ever seen. I can’t tell you the amount of people that have stopped me on the street and asked where I got Clover from. I have sent many referrals your way 🙂
She’s a very sweet and good natured dog with lots of love to give and is full of energy (sometimes even too much!). She goes on an hour walk with our dog walker every day, and we take her to the park for a 40min romp after work but she’s still full of energy after that!
I attached some pictures of her so you can see how much she’s grown. She also has her own Instagram account where I can post all the pictures I have of her! (@cloverthedoodle)
Thanks again for such a perfect pup, she has filled our home with so much joy!
Fiammetta & Michael